Sunday, April 23, 2017

EHP Update- April 23 2017: Here Come the Hops!

The rapidly fluctuating temperatures have been making me nervous.  Most mornings I have been met with a solid frost warming to mid 60s by the afternoon. I was not sure how my rhizomes would do this early in the season.  If you remember, I planted all of my hops the very day they arrived at my doorstep on April 1.

I am happy to report that, of the 20 Hops in the plot, 19 have sprouted happy and healthy! I have a Mt Hood that I am hoping is just a little slow to start, but so far, so good. Keep following along with the experiment, send me any questions or comments, and as always, have a wonderful day!


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New Trellis Design, Spring Hop Shoots, Cover Crops Emerging.

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